The formation of the company group is closely associated with the career of the (sole) shareholder an MD Ing. Karl Unterweger (year 1965);
I 1985: Matura (HTL Wien – Schellinggasse); freelance designer in Germany (IBU - Ingenieurbüro Unterweger / Engineering Office Unterweger);
I 1991: Spezializing in the development and construction of high pressure test systems (for the automotive industry), system supplier since 1996 (for development departments of Robert Bosch GmbH);
I 2000: Implemantation of component trials (high-pressure injection systems, sealing systems,...) on their own testing systems - foundation of the 1A Dauerlauferprobung GmbH (1A DLE, Germany)
The test systems were built up with purchased manurfacturing and standard parts - in case of increasing problems with the quality of the manufacturing parts –
I 2001: Set up its own manufacturing facility in Austria (foundation of TZU Unterweger GmbH in 9900 Gaimberg) - gradual shift of the entire test system engineering to Austria - due to organizational and spatial problems (total plant area of TZU GmbH: 400m2) -
I 2002: Foundation of TESTTEC Prüfstandtechnik und Bauteilerprobungs GmbH
I 2002: Business diviation with the foundation
I Business purpose of TZU Unterweger GmbH in A-9951 Ainet.
manufature of precision mechanical parts, small and medium series
I Business purpose of TESTTEC Prüfstandtechnik und Bauteilerprobungs GmbH in A-9951 Ainet.
Technical Office (design, planning, project coordination);
Installation of test equipment, special purpose machines and assemblies;
Component testing (continuous running tests and pressure impulse tests)
Sales (service customers Austria and International)
Technical Support (Customer Care Austria and International)
I Business purpose of 1A-DLE GmbH in D-71672 Marbach/Neckar.
Technical Office (design, planning, project coordination);
Component testing (continuous running tests and pressure impulse tests, pump testing, berst pressure tests and much more)
Sales (service customers Germany and International)
Technical Support (Customer Care Germany and International)
I Further milestones of the
company 1A DLE GmbH
I 2007: First test system to South America (Argentina/Buenos Aires):
After delivery and commissioning of numerous test systems throughout Europe, the first system is supplied to the South American continents and seccessfully put into operation.
I 2011: First Test system to Asia (Korea/Seoul):
After delivery and commissioning of the test systems to South America, the first test system is supplied to the Asian continent.
In the meantime, more test systems were delivered in various Asian countries.
I 2012: Automotive Testing Expo Europe:
First exhibition of the company 1A DLE at the Automotive Testing Expo Europe.