Testing Systems
Customer-specific test systems
Construction according to customer requirements
We design and construct test systems for a wide variety of highly complex testing applications. We cover the entire spectrum of system construction services in house. In addition to standard solutions for classical testing, we also develop and produce custom systems according to the customer’s [read more]
Hydropulse test systems
HP-ILR | HP0080 | HP0150 | HP0450 | HP0700 | HP1000
The HP series of hydropulse test systems are used for dynamic internal pressure pulsation of all types of hydraulic parts with defined load profiles (load curve shapes and frequency), for burst pressure testing, for tightness testing and for determining leakage rate. [read more]
Burst pressure test systems
RTBD0150 | HTBD0150
Our hydraulic burst pressure test systems are used for measuring the burst pressure on fluid components and systems at oil temperatures up to: [read
• 40 °C with the RTBD0150 room temperature system
• 150 °C with the HTBD0150 high temperature system.
Oil tempering units
6 to 75 kW heating power
The oil tempering unit is designed as a stand-alone unit for a duty cycle of 100%. The tempering unit can also be controlled by an external controller using the provided interfaces. [read more]
Gas pressure systems
DRA0200 | GPLS0300
• The mobile pressure control system DRA0200 is
designed for performing tightness testing on components
using test gases.
• The GPLS0300 gas pressure loading unit is a stationary or
mobile pressure loading unit for compressing air, test gases
or test gas mixtures [read more]